2011 - the story so far ... New
The year is now 12 days old and not a bit better than the yellow and black last year.
started by Klaus Landowski, his third of the expected acquittal class commented on the proceedings at the Berlin bank scandal by saying that yes that would have happened 10 years ago. Because he could then 10 more years of incompetent and uninterested rot in some forums that bring out the turning over of state coal from the bottom but not up to road? Or, as neighborhood-field males sometimes high stretch the fingers to Victory-C may? Or is it the cool mix of dementia and stubbornness, which makes him think that a legal acquittal equate with innocence is?
A functioning banking and financial supervision, it is also in 2011, according to the will of the Federal Association of German Banks (BdB) provide. The Ministry for Consumers saw yesterday for its plans to test even the compliance of investment advisers of the money houses legal requirements and advise customers properly exposed to violent criticism. Particularly chief executive Michael Kemmer told with suffering expression: "That sounds like organized crime and triggers negative emotions in the community People will therefore be encouraged in their negative attitude towards banks still.."
Exactly what the Mafia bosses say whatsoever.
Kemmer also expressed criticism of the duty of the advisers, their clients to hand over information sheets on the recommended products. "There are only 500,000 different certificates. The can not we all have in stock," he said. We understand well that you can indeed recommend something, but it has no information. And there is no room for prospects because the cabinets overflowing with money, we know it. But perhaps they could be stored on a PC and print on demand. Or is no half-million financial products, which ticked the bankers, but just a dozen, the highest commission yields or the bank just wants to get rid of anyway ...
And one more puke has preferred the carnival and has once again risen in the victim costume. But this time it's not Thilo S. yourself, but ... his wife, who is being bullied at their school because of him. So, not because he is a xenophobic, demagogic state coal-cheaters, but an upstanding citizen who wants to keep the German land from destruction. And his wife, who acts for some time not so entirely without controversy, has now been taken into custody, therefore, as the Bild am Sonntag as compassionate and also the neutral Sarrazin'sche chatter cud: "There is evidence that children from the school and the teacher were turned deliberately," and "Here evidently came envy and reservations about female Sarrazin 'comes after the failed, it was extreme disadvantage with the timetable. . When that did not helped, now a real-bullying campaign was set to work to bring my wife to the school to voluntarily leave. " And there has
Sarrzin again quite right: Timetables are just for teachers extremely detrimental and very, very bullying. But what if Mrs. Sarrazin - not about the money, which they even now, thanks to the literary qualities of her early retirement gar nicht mehr nötig hat - und trotz des mobbenden Mobbings für ein Verbleib an der Schule entscheidet und die 3-Millionen-€-bei-Sofortrente-Offerte des staatlichen Schulamtes in den Wind schlägt? Könnte das dann daran liegen, dass die zu Hause im Sessel lungernde Alternative noch grässlicher ist ...???
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