Here is the irreconcilable Year in Review!
(Schick: A picture on the nothing confirmed)
After Jauch, Kerner, Gottschalk (!!!!) here now the official Wunst-annual review of the year 2010. What we celebrated! German non-third in the World Cup, not the earliest onset of winter after 1947, but 20 years Unit. And it all came together, what our former Chancellor, predicted: uniform living conditions in East and West. Satisfaction with the government is exactly the amount that Honecker and Mielke had shortly before the Wall fell. The methods that harass German companies under the eyes of the German states, their citizens the same, is also continuous. Police violence against peaceful demonstrators: same as before. Is a really nostalgic heart. There's only state-owned enterprises, there are few, but recently more and more company-owned states. Rating agencies and large financial make it possible.
dead of the year:
But we look back we find that there were deplorable. Much higher sales and we had to bury my not even Michael Jackson. First and foremost, the social security Bismarck. Black-Yellow succeeded in destroying in one year, which was for generations a social guarantee for Germany. From 2010, only the stupid pay ever more in health insurance, the employer only what they want. Let us note: Sometimes it is better if a red health minister confused German service with English brandy, as if one leaves a yellow quota immigrants to the medicine cabinet.
Man of the Year:
few applied seriously for the title. While some were well fed and comfortable to maybe really close Guantanamo or too busy to keep a pretty insane Teetrinkerein from Alaska in check, while others have been offended if you have ever listened to them once. For the injured liver Horst, we now have the schmierigerin Christian Wulff, who has about as much character as a bag of soup. No, our man of the year is Dr. Marcus Frings. Who? Marcus Frings, art historian in Offenbach. His great merit? No less than he made sure that Andrea Nahles now easily disappear for one year from the scene. Well, it would Siegmar Gabriel's double chin is also sufficient, but that's better. Even if the poor child ....
Woman of the Year:
Not that prevented President Deuse von der Leyen, not the unspeakable Minister Claudia Nolte and has quite a close miss the highly embarrassing first-lady-on test to Steffi and Guttenberg. And not even Michael Mronz or Lena. No Bettina Wulff, the only real First Lady, is our Woman of the Year. Resolute, tough and not obsessively politically correct when it comes to dodge a trip to the Middle East. but should the daughter take the adit to the beet noses and eat kosher bread. Short right arm
raised and the question of the Israel visa has been settled. Tipping off, Bettina!
ass violin of the Year:
That was hard, that was close, soooo many applicants. Soo many real puke on the talk show couches and in front of the telly. Living Ekelfleisch as undersecretary, Ludenvisage Bouffier, Atomlobbyarschkriecher like Merkel, Westerwelle and more difficult to unbearable Schäuble. Professional criminals such as the heads of RWE, EON, Vattenfall and EnBW. Constantly whining cheaters as Nonnenmacher, Obermann, Hundt. All prize-worthy, no doubt, but still. Our most unnecessary fellow 2010 Adolf Sauerland, the OB from Duisburg. For the Love Parade on 24 July Duisburg waren infolge einer Massenpanik 21 Menschen gestorben. Mehr als 500 Menschen wurden verletzt. Seitdem laufen Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft Duisburg gegen .... ? Jedenfalls nicht gegen Sauerland, denn ihm tut zwar alles schrecklich leid, aber noch mehr leid täte ihm, wenn seine Pensionsansprüche flöten gingen. Widerlicher geht es nicht.
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