Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Davicom Cnet Cn200ethernetindir

Nacht in China

...nach ordentlich speis' und trank in den letztes tagen kann nun auch wieder etwas bildung nicht schaden...die von mir entdeckte arte-dokumentation soll dies für heute übernehmen...und darum geht's:

Ju An Qi erzählt vom Verlauf einer Nachtreise von einer geschäftigen Stadt in die tiefste Provinz. Auf diesem Weg begegnet der Filmemacher einfachen Menschen und Nachtarbeitern, einem Journalisten, der Schuster geworden ist, einem blinden Masseur, einem freundlichen Taxifahrer, einem Imkerpaar, einer betenden Familie vom Land, einem Reisenden ohne Ziel. Sie alle sind Existenzen mit großen Problemen, sind aber immer von Liebe getragen. Ein anrührendes, menschliches Chinabild. (Quelle: Arte+7)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Erection Difficulties Mucinex

Kim Jong-Il looking at things

Househole Materials Used To Masterbate

The honesty of simplicity

When one writes lyrics himself and is looking for his favorite bands for inspiration, it quickly that most great songs are provided with a simple text.
Buddy Holly, The Beatles, Elvis Presley, the Rolling Stones, the list goes on.
course simple words often carry a deeper meaning in itself, but the big assault Champion never Dictionary.
I think therein lies the art. The courage to simplicity.
"I love you." is the best example. No other movement has in such a short time and in any language in the world so much importance. This, in my opinion, the perfect sentence to express a few words with perfect formulation, the whole meaning. That should be the goal when writing lyrics. No one cares how many foreign words or technical terms are known. No one will Hersing 12-syllable word constructs in front of him, because they go so beautifully from the tongue.
lies in the simplicity and honesty, I think that this is also an important aspect.
This speaks the listener, and conveys a sense of equivalence with the author of the text. If you are clever, you can still thread a very different meaning than the first apparent between the words, thus achieving the satisfaction of all parties.
The last part was just a bit too marketing-tinged standard, but I think the main idea I presented well.
I know that perhaps not all of his feelings that you would like to express in a song, can be expressed in so simple and orderly way, but I also try there to be slowly incorporated the minimalism.
You have to not have life more difficult To make than it is.
The complexity of life by straight lines to draw in clear lines.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Four Word Sayings About Love

Frohe FEIERtage ...

... an alle Bagaluden wünscht euer Lieblings-eRd.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Measles Symptoms In 8 Month Old Baby

Here is the irreconcilable Year in Review!

(Schick: A picture on the nothing confirmed)

After Jauch, Kerner, Gottschalk (!!!!) here now the official Wunst-annual review of the year 2010. What we celebrated! German non-third in the World Cup, not the earliest onset of winter after 1947, but 20 years Unit. And it all came together, what our former Chancellor, predicted: uniform living conditions in East and West. Satisfaction with the government is exactly the amount that Honecker and Mielke had shortly before the Wall fell. The methods that harass German companies under the eyes of the German states, their citizens the same, is also continuous. Police violence against peaceful demonstrators: same as before. Is a really nostalgic heart. There's only state-owned enterprises, there are few, but recently more and more company-owned states. Rating agencies and large financial make it possible.

dead of the year:

But we look back we find that there were deplorable. Much higher sales and we had to bury my not even Michael Jackson. First and foremost, the social security Bismarck. Black-Yellow succeeded in destroying in one year, which was for generations a social guarantee for Germany. From 2010, only the stupid pay ever more in health insurance, the employer only what they want. Let us note: Sometimes it is better if a red health minister confused German service with English brandy, as if one leaves a yellow quota immigrants to the medicine cabinet.

Man of the Year:

few applied seriously for the title. While some were well fed and comfortable to maybe really close Guantanamo or too busy to keep a pretty insane Teetrinkerein from Alaska in check, while others have been offended if you have ever listened to them once. For the injured liver Horst, we now have the schmierigerin Christian Wulff, who has about as much character as a bag of soup. No, our man of the year is Dr. Marcus Frings. Who? Marcus Frings, art historian in Offenbach. His great merit? No less than he made sure that Andrea Nahles now easily disappear for one year from the scene. Well, it would Siegmar Gabriel's double chin is also sufficient, but that's better. Even if the poor child ....

Woman of the Year:

Not that prevented President Deuse von der Leyen, not the unspeakable Minister Claudia Nolte and has quite a close miss the highly embarrassing first-lady-on test to Steffi and Guttenberg. And not even Michael Mronz or Lena. No Bettina Wulff, the only real First Lady, is our Woman of the Year. Resolute, tough and not obsessively politically correct when it comes to dodge a trip to the Middle East. but should the daughter take the adit to the beet noses and eat kosher bread. Short right arm
raised and the question of the Israel visa has been settled. Tipping off, Bettina!

ass violin of the Year:

That was hard, that was close, soooo many applicants. Soo many real puke on the talk show couches and in front of the telly. Living Ekelfleisch as undersecretary, Ludenvisage Bouffier, Atomlobbyarschkriecher like Merkel, Westerwelle and more difficult to unbearable Schäuble. Professional criminals such as the heads of RWE, EON, Vattenfall and EnBW. Constantly whining cheaters as Nonnenmacher, Obermann, Hundt. All prize-worthy, no doubt, but still. Our most unnecessary fellow 2010 Adolf Sauerland, the OB from Duisburg. For the Love Parade on 24 July Duisburg waren infolge einer Massenpanik 21 Menschen gestorben. Mehr als 500 Menschen wurden verletzt. Seitdem laufen Ermittlungen der Staatsanwaltschaft Duisburg gegen .... ? Jedenfalls nicht gegen Sauerland, denn ihm tut zwar alles schrecklich leid, aber noch mehr leid täte ihm, wenn seine Pensionsansprüche flöten gingen. Widerlicher geht es nicht.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Formula To Find Interest On Recurring Deposit

Children are our future!

We already knew this gentleman .

... but these kids beat the whole thing (note the Anonymous / Vendetta mask of one Görs):

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Become Third Party Payment Processor

Hello Goodbye Christmas song

Hello Goodbye Cover of "This Is Christmas (War Is Over)"
(right click - or just listen -> Download Linked File As)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Poster Slogans For Fire Prevention

Berlin welcomes first time over 20 million visitors

Wir gratulieren!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Suggest Name For A Group

Margaret Weidel

There is still the same Christmas spirit on my blog!

Implantation Bleeding8days Before Period Due

They said f**k off. And that is not an appropriate message for a child. At least not at Christmas time.

Barracading himself in, Hudson disabled the correct lights until he could spell out his feelings to Harrods bosses and Christmas shoppers alike. He was removed by security guards after an hour-long stand-off, then handed over to police.

“He had drunk the best part of two bottles of whisky,” said a spokesperson for the iconic London store, “and it’s that kind of behaviour that got him the sack in the first place.” Hudson has since been released on police bail.

Knightsbridge visitors were stunned.

“Honestly, I am disgusted, ” said Irene Rider, 59, from Gary, Indiana. “I was with my grandchildren. We had just gotten off the bus. I said ‘look everybody’ and pointed up to the lights – but you know what the lights said? They said f**k off. And that is not an appropriate message for a child. At least not at Christmastime.”


via thepoke.co.uk

Big Females In The Shower

New Talk with old guests

Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre startet heute Abend auf ZDFneo mit seiner Show "Stuckrad Late Night". Gast der ersten Sendung wird Thilo Sarrazin sein. Beide werden in der Sendung "Wer bin ich?" spielen, ein Spiel, bei dem der Gegenüber einen prominenten Namen an die Stirn pasted gets the need to guess this.

In the opening broadcast Thilo Sarazzin once again demonstrates his keen sense of historical context, even if he fails, the given name of his political role model correctly write.

On 6 January followed by the second edition of "Late Night Stuckrad. Who plays it, tell us here exclusively:

Diy Horizontal Slat Fence Fence

Niebel ash

is a year, "Minister for Development" Dirk Niebel of the FDP is now in office. The U.S. diplomats caution as "weird choice" designated carrier cap makes himself "ideas" to the state his party. Compared with the Frankfurter Rundschau, he said the criticism of FDP Vice Kubicki: "We have one year long ashes scattered on our head, because we have initially made mistakes and make more compromises had to, as a loving our constituents was a game but it is fine with. the ashes. " So completely I can not understand this view, my Niebel, first and foremost because you have laid the ashes blowing everywhere: in hotel owner-ass, pharmaceutical fuzzies, pharmacist-rump and to different places or where the sun rarely Hinsch one. Something missing another Haushaltslöchlein, which is one of your clients?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Hack A Smart Fortwo

Karl-Theodor travel bag and baggage to the Hindu Kush

((Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg mitZusatzausrüstung)

Die Reise von Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) nach Afghanistan sorgt weiter für politischen Zündstoff. Dass er statt der ebenfalls hübsch anzusehenden Ministerin Schröder ausgerechnet seine Ehefrau Stephanie mitgenommen hat, rief Unverständnis hervor. Stephanie, die durch ihre Doku-Soup "Tatort Internet" bei RTL II bekannt wurde und sich seitdem in das bundesdeustcehn Spenden-Recht einzuarbeiten bemüht. familie Gutenberg wurde begleitet von Ferseh-Ikone Johannes B. Kerner, der im Bundeswehr-Camp Masar-i-Scharif die neuen Fiolgen von „Wetten-dass-?“ aufzeichnensollte. Die Kritik an Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) richtete sich daher überwiegend an seiner Personalauswahl. Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), said: "Guttenberg knows that responsibility since the 2nd World War, German troops out Jopi Heesters is." Wunst also recommends Gutti to do what Horst Koehler after his final trip did Afghanistan: Dismissed!

(Stephanie Guttenberg 2011 (picture similar))

(Johannes B. Kerner demonstrates the latest time fuse)

Viral Throat Infection 4 Weeks

Booyah! From 2013, everyone pays!

The German Prime Minister have the new license fee model sealed it. The 15th Broadcasting Treaty Amendment provides that the GEZ fees in 2013 an entirely new, geilen Namen („Haushaltsabgabe“) erhalten und von jedem Haushalt eingezogen werden, unabhängig davon, wie viel RTL, Vox, 9live und Al Jazira er guckt oder ob er schon vorher blind war. Der Abschied von einer pro forma geräteabhängigen, tatsächlich aber mehr von der eigenen Blödheit abhängigen Abgabe wird von der Kommission unter der Leitung des Mainzelmännchen Kurt Beck (SPD) als besonders gerecht empfunden: „Jetzt sind alle die Blöden!“ Offen bleibt, ob die bisherigen GEZ-Eintreiber zu Hundefängern, Politessen oder Zeugen Jehovas umgeschult werden. Letzteres gilt als unwahrscheinlich, denn bereits ab 2015 soll nach dem Modell der Haushaltsabgabe eine Zwangsmitgliedschaft bei dieser Religionsgemeinschaft folgen. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand. Der Bürger profitiert davon, dass er samstagmorgens nicht halbbekleidet in der Haustür stehen muss um Fragen nach Gott zu beantworten. Und die Zeugen Jehovas müssen seltener mit Erfrierungen an den Füßen in deutschen Wartezimmern herumlungern. Auch der ADAC und diverse Buchclubs haben bereits Interesse an der staatlich verordneten Abzocke angemeldet.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unblocked Shool Games


Now I know what I would like to do next year on St. Nicholas!
drinking, dressing up as Krampus, children hit. This seems like a nice holiday parade, right?

From Wikipedia:

Der Krampus ist im ostalpenländischen Adventsbrauchtum sowie in Ungarn , Tschechien , Teilen des außeralpinen Norditalien und Teilen Kroatiens eine Schreckgestalt in Begleitung des Heiligen Nikolaus .

Während der Nikolaus die braven Kinder beschenkt, werden die unartigen vom Krampus bestraft. Der Krampus ähnelt somit in der Funktion dem Knecht Ruprecht , es bestehen aber Unterschiede zwischen beiden Figuren: Während Knecht Ruprecht einzeln auftritt, treten die Krampusse meist in größeren Gruppen auf. Die Gruppe aus Nikolaus, Krampus and other companions called Pass.


In many villages and towns there are still moves Krampus, Krampus Disguised as a draw in which a loud noise of their bells in the streets to scare passers-by. They shall also use their long tail. The Tuifltratzen ( Tirol ) or Kramperltratzn ( Bavarian mattresses irritate, frozzeln ' [2] ), in parts of Austria: obdt Kramperlstauben . dust , supply, drive away ') In some places, is a test of courage the children of the area, trying to tempt the Krampus, without getting caught or beaten.

Devil's day is the 5th December, during the feast of St. Nicholas on the 6th December (Nikolotag) falls, but both figures usually appear together on the evening of 5 December, but partly also on 6 December.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Probleme Webcam Centerdell

vicky leekz

hier mal ein super kommentar auf ken fm:

Friday, December 3, 2010

Exiting Tally C0000005

lego technik

Anyone have any ideas for a Christmas present has

here are some more models:)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gpsphone Walkthrough Walls Crash

Hells Angels from Frisco, 1967

were more sophisticated than motorcycle gangs ...

... a brief comparison to the current position:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Elegant Travestites Womens


I still do not quite know what I expect from this library should hold.
's see how the plot at the end looks a whole.



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cnet Cn200ethernetindir

soo sick.

Silestone - 'Above Everything Else' from Alex Roman on Vimeo .

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Benefit Georgia Or Dandelion

cynetart pics & vids

times so here a few videos and images from yesterday evening in the Festival Hall.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prithviraj Chetna Mysore

Bike Tour at 0:00

Long, long ago - the time in the night I secretly sneak out of the window had to go even a little out ... determined 6 years since the whole thing. We were all ~ 12 years old and had imemr GE-looking things, and you will get these thrills! So we ran as a great being 1.40m in pajamas (So you could run away much better) away from the police, or what else had a stronger urge to follow were taxis ... : D
And one night we met twice with the bike - just little Düss through the forest, 7 hours before school began, there was even (almost) nothing drann be wrong. At last, gestural quality of the window (the bicycles had been parked in a convenient location) and from the Fluchtraum - dem raum, den man verlassen muss um aus einem Fluch einen Traum zu machen, fuhren wir los. Einen ewig langen Weg an einer großen Straße antlang, hauptsache: jeden Taxi-Stand meiden! Bei jedem Auto, dass in der nähe war furen wir mit den Fahrädern ins Gebüsch. Damit uns auch ja keiner endeckt... und nach 20 Minuten geschah es: Eine Reifenacht ! Gezwungenermaßen machten wir uns dann auch weider auf den Heimweg. Wäre bestimmt eine reife Nacht geworden.
Die Montage des neuen Reifen dauerte einige Montage - aber in der Nacht waren wir fortan wieder zu Fuß unterwegs.

Die guten alten Zeiten, manchmal vermisse ich diesen Kitzel, I now no longer so easy to get: o)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Melting Point Of Petrol

SMS - Traffic ...

Today I had my screening !
In the early at 7:00 I turned on my cell phone to see if I had some new news in inbox. Nix - a gaping void. Oh a SMS reached me yet,

[ Spamm ]
you want to see Anna wet? would
Annanass I also (even better) in every fruit stand or supermarket - Send a text message with '
Anna wet' to the 66 666 * * 4.99 € / SMS

Well can see, so I decided not to answer me this SMS . And I hardly had the mobile aside came Post Engel back in Inbox over and brought me a message " Hey you good morning!) If I net wrong have you yet today survey . you push the thumb that you will out of service;.) Tell me what came out modest know Wills with Love "..!
Super, I was back top motivated, always nice to know that you will not forget. Slowly it was about time und ich ging los - durfte ja nicht zu spät erscheinen! Dort angekommen merkte ich, dass ich vom vielen Laufen eine Blase am Fuß hatte *unangenehm* -.- Naja , ich sagte es später dann der Ärztin, die mich untersucht hatte - die verwieß mich dann zu einer anderen Ärztin mit den Worten " Sie kann am geschicktesten Blasen und Glieder behandeln! " aber am Ende war mir die Blase dann doch egal. So ging ich nach Hause mit dem Wissen, dass ich wieder 5000 tolle krankheiten hab - am Mittwoch gehts dann weiter, Nachuntersuchung...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where Is Chethana Myosre Mallige Now

advertising company for the bottle?

Ich hab mir gestern bei Reno neue Schuhe gekauft - da ist mir diese Werbung ins Eye engraved:
What can I say? Be forced by Reno it or get money for it?
The police do so does not advertise or Reno? Or does it from a Security company? to say Schweer but what I mean is surely clear to everyone!
"The reserves 'I like." <----> "thieves I hold to the same."
Well yes, we hope for the day on which the slogan "The ZiAG 'i nimma out." To (For those who can not so good Bavarian, "The I take off any more.") Changes.
Vote for " Free Tibet ääääh RENO!"